

The HES (UK) brings together researchers, teachers, and students in the history of education. Our membership is open to anyone with an interest in research, teaching and/or public engagement with the history of education. Our annual three-day conference attracts historical researchers in universities, libraries, archives and museums, as well as independent researchers.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of elected members, the editors of History of Education and History of Education Researcher, and ECR Fellows. 

We sponsor the publication of two peer-reviewed journals (History of Education and History of Education Researcherand Exe Libris, an online bibliography. Two book prizes are awarded every three years.

The HES is keen to support students and early career researchers. Students can join at a reduced rate, and are eligible to apply for bursaries to attend our annual conference. We also hold an annual postgraduate event. 

Our website hosts a blog, and highlights the latest news from the history of education community. Follow us on Twitter for the latest #HistEd news!

The HES provides a convivial and intellectually stimulating environment for the discussion of all matters related to the history of education, in its broadest sense. The conferences are a highlight of the academic calendar.

Our Missions and Aims

  • to promote the study and teaching of the history of education;
  • to encourage and support research in the history of education;
  • to represent the interests of the field of the history of education;
  • to promote the public profile and an informed public understanding of the history of education by engaging in relevant public debates;
  • to encourage and support new researchers in the history of education;
  • to provide collaboration and exchange among those interested in the history of education in Britain and around the world;
  • to promote links with the study and teaching of history at all levels;
  • to promote the preservation of and facilitate access to primary sources in the history of education and features of our educational heritage.