Submit a Blog Post

Fancy writing something for our blog? We would love to hear from you! We are looking for blog posts of 500-1200 words on any topic or theme related to the history of education. 

Blog posts could be about:     

  • Your research
  • A history of education event
  • A recent book
  • Teaching the history of education
  • A primary source or collection of sources
  • History of education and public policy 

Interested? Drop a line to Jennifer Crowdy with your submission ideas. 

Formatting Guidelines

  • Blog posts should be between 500 and 800 words.
  • Please include a short biography (50 – 150 words). You are welcome to include hyperlinks to institutions, projects and publications.
  • In submitting a blog post and associated materials, authors are responsible for ensuring they have required any necessary permissions for the use of sources.
  • Please send blogs to Jennifer Crowdy as a MS Word document.
  • Images should be in jpeg format, audio files as mp3s and videos as mp4s.
  • Wherever possible, please hyperlink to sources rather than footnote. Hyperlinks should be inserted within the document, as you wish them to appear in your post (instructions on how to insert hyperlink in a MS Word document).